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The Aniletes Story

The ANILETES™ are a team of animated athletes whose mission is to educate and entertain children about sport and life using athletic competition as the basis for on-going entertainment and story lines. They are moral and ethical characters, clean, wholesome, athletic and full of energy. They love kids and love talking to them. Everyone finds them amusing.

They tell stories to kids – stories about how to play the games they represent; stories about their sport; stories about life, competition, winning and losing, being a good person, working hard, working as a team and other lessons of life such as being fit and eating properly. In the future they will be featured in a movie

The Aniletes are international in scope and will have a business life similar to “Pokemon” and other animated characters featuring books, an on-line presence, a cartoon series and mobile gaming, entertaining kids, teaching fitness and the value of eating properly (nutrition). Their market is worldwide appealing to the general public and winter sport lovers with a focus on the 90 countries who have winter sport federations.

The Anilete life is eternal.

When the Aniletes compete in international competition, the country they represent will be identified by the color of their uniforms. Their country flag will be a part of their uniform or surrounding environment.

The business model has been developed as a ‘Franchise’.

‘Purpose Driven Business’ – the business model dedicates a percentage of income be directed to not for profits fitting the profile of youth sport development in the country of sales for both DLB Productions as well as a licensee donation.

The ANILETE concept, characters and storyline are the property of Dennis Berkholtz, Jacksonville, FL. Copyrighted with the copyright offices in Washington, DC, 1999. Trademark established in April 2020.