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The quiet one.  Always doing the right thing.  Daring but under control.  Always dressed to the hilt.  Appears calm on the outside, but admits to nervousness when competing – “it’s OK to be scared.”  She can’t understand Board’s lifestyle.  She looks up to Puck and she admires the free-flowing and enthusiastic attitude of Ski.

Skate’s private life is very much like her competitive life.  She is precise in her movements and in everything she does and she always pays attention to detail.  She’s an intense character and often has to be reminded to “lighten up” and smile – to enjoy her success. 

Skate’s theme – be the best you can be and support your teammates.  Skate understands that in her sport judges determine outcomes and that she must accept the fact that she must be the judge of her own success.  She is admired for intense concentration when competing. 

Skate’s message – Practice like you perform.  Practice detail.  Be satisfied with being the best you can be.  Make a good impression.

Skate’s mark – always well dressed.