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The captain of the Winter Sports team and the leader of the Family.  Tall and thin, Ski is always having fun. He enjoys life and is forever enthusiastic.  He is never down.  Ski’s theme is to be positive.  He is the one that keeps the family up.  He encourages his teammates in good times and in bad times.

Ski is always moving and in a hurry to get places.  He has non-stop energy.  He loves speed.  He loves the beauty of the mountains and always takes the time to smell the fresh air and to “smell the roses.”  He believes in himself and lives life every day with a total commitment to being the best.

Ski’s message – Be positive and enthusiastic.  Enjoy the moment.  Think like a winner. Avoid the negative.

Ski’s mark – Sunglasses and always coming to a screeching halt after speeding to the scene of the action.